ACloudGuru Sandbox Lacks Permissions To Use AWS SageMaker


If you’ve ever tried to use AWS SageMaker in the AWS sandbox environment provided by ACloudGuru, then you’ve probably run into these errors:

user/cloud_user is not authorized to perform: sagemaker:ListEndpoints because no identity-based policy allows the sagemaker:ListEndpoints action
user/cloud_user is not authorized to perform: sagemaker:ListModels because no identity-based policy allows the sagemaker:ListModels action
user/cloud_user is not authorized to perform: sagemaker:ListNotebookInstances because no identity-based policy allows the sagemaker:ListNotebookInstances action
user/cloud_user is not authorized to perform: sagemaker:ListTrainingJobs because no identity-based policy allows the sagemaker:ListTrainingJobs action

Or this one when ignoring the earlier errors and still attempting to create a notebook instance:

user/cloud_user is not authorized to perform: sagemaker:CreateNotebookInstance

These errors are telling us that we lack permissions to do pretty much everything in SageMaker; makes sense to head into IAM and add the policies.

Navigating to IAM then Users reveals our user, cloud_user. Here we can check the policies that we’re allotted in a sandbox environment. In particular, we’re assigned two policies: allow_all and Playground_AWS_Sandbox. The latter is for denying access to particular EC2 AMIs; the former is what governs our access in AWS.

A quick look at the JSON reveals the issue:

    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
            "Sid": "AllowAllPermissions",
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "NotAction": [
            "Resource": "*"

The key NotAction is an IAM JSON policy element that’s equivalent to saying “all resources except these”. In particular, the policy assigned to us excludes exactly the AWS service we need to complete the demos in the AWS ML Specialty.

Attempting to edit the policy proves fruitless, as we’re faced with this error:

user/cloud_user is not authorized to perform: iam:CreatePolicyVersion

Through the forums, I’ve found our answer: SageMaker was never supported, due to the cost. Luckily, we can still use SageMaker via the labs; to follow along with the demos, you have to run the risk of incurring possible charges on your AWS account. Proceed with caution.